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Preparing to Use Linux / Prepárate

a. Step one is to aquire a computer. I currently have a Dell running windows and a Mac G4 running OS X and I do not want to use these computers for my experiment. I have answered an add for a Dell Dimension , P3, 933 mhz, 128 RAM, 12.7 GB harddrive. The gentlemen is selling it for 100.00 USD which is not to bad. Free would be better but I can not seem to remember where the old desktop went to.

b. So I have aqcuired that Dell Dimension computer and the task of wipping off the Windows XP that it came with and installing Linux is not as easy as some of those Linux websites would lead you to beleive. Running a search on Linux gives me information of what to do once you are running Linux and it also gives me propoganda on how much better Linux is. I AM SOLD. I just dont know how to get started. How to I know wich version of Linux or distro to use?

c. Anyway so I just guessed. I picked on (Debian) and then within the distro I had options like i386, alpha, amd, arm, ia64... I just chose the first one,which was alpha. I dowloaded it using my Mac and then I burned it to a CD. I put it in the CD drive of my Dell Dimension and my heart just crumbled when it did not work at all.

d. I went back to searching the internet. There is a lot of info about Linux either to 1) sell you on using it or 2) use it once you have it on your computer. There is not detailed info on just how to get it on your computer. I finally figured out my problem wasnt exactly with Linux it was getting my computer to boot from the CD drive before the C drive. I had to access the BIOS. duh. So I finally changed that but it still did not work and my heart sank further.

e. I contemplated my problem even more. I realized that the further options under the distro like alpha, amd, i386 were important. Since I had downloaded alpha I had download the wrong one. I need the Intel one. another big DUH.

f. I joined the Ubuntu forums and found a great deal of information. If you look in the beginner section of the forums there is great information. Well it is detailed information. This evening I will put a plan of attack into action and hopefully it will work

  • We will try the Ubuntu distro of Linux starting here.
  • There is a "correct" way to burn the iso to a disk go here.
  • It is a good idea to verify the data here.
  • Here is information on intalling a dual-boot option.
  • The same link has installing instructions if you scroll down and if you don't want to do a dual-boot (have windows and linux on the same computer) then just ignore the dual-boot talk as I plan to do when I try this tonight at home.
  • I hope this all works.....
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