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31 Enero 2008 Jueves I caught an old friend online and I feel rather conflicted about the meeting. I still had her screen name on my buddy list but I really didn't think she used that screen name anymore. It has been a long time since I have spoken to her. A mutual friend had mentioned that she asked about me and then when we chatted online briefly today this long lost friend said she was just talking about me with another mutual acquaintenance. I really was quite surprised to know this. I would not have guessed that she would have thought of me at all, especially not recently. I guess I should clarify what happened. I will try to do this briefly. We grew up together, went to high school, visited each other in our university days. She graduated first and was engaged first out of all us high school friends. She was planning to have the wedding ceremony one summer and then it ended up getting postponed until the following summer. I had been invited to the first summer's ceremony that ended up not happening. So since we were still friends and I had not been advised any different I assumed I was invited to the postponed version of the ceremony. Well sometime before the actual wedding ceremonoy occured I was out to breakfast with this person and another mutual high school friend. We ended up talking about her upcomming nuptuals. We were all three talking and then suddenly she turned to look at me and said, " are not invited." I was surprised and shocked and a little hurt. I was more hurt about the fact that she never clarified or explained this. If I were in her position I would have said something like " hey I really value your friendship and appreciate you as a person but we have limited the number of guests in order to create a small ceremony". I would have made it a point to express this and I would have chosen a more approriate time to dis invite a friend. So anyway since I was hurt by the lack of respect towards my feelings I made no attempt to keep contact with her. I didnt think that I acted mad or upset with her I just covered it up and pushed it down deep. :) Sometimes I have a blockage when I should be expressing hurt or anger. Other emotions I can express just fine but the anger and getting hurt is a little harder. I used to assume that no one cared. But really you should always express how you fell. You exist. Why make it dependant on whether or not they care? anyway back to the story. So I let it go. I interpreted her actions as she no longer wished to have a friendship. I made no effort to contact her or remain connected to her. She no longer contacted me either. So her screen name popped up as she was online and I made contact and said hello. I really doubted that it was her. We spoke briefly and she had to return to work. We exchanged emails. Now I am thinking of sending her an email expressing how I felt that day of being disinvited. I think I should do it at least to just express myself and at least say what I had to say. But I find mysefl wonder "why would she care?". I should send it anyway. Below I will post the rough draft and I will probably sleep on the idea of sending it. It was a pleasant surprise to catch you online today. Sadly it has been a long time since I have talked to you. I remember visiting you at the OSU campus and visiting Randy and jamming out on the instruments in his basement at Purdue. Fun times..... fun times. So then I asked mysefl "why have we not spoken in so long?" And the I remembered... It may not have been the last time we spoke but it was probably the last time we saw each other that we had this conversation. I remember being at Bob Evans. It was Kristin, myself and you. It was some time before your wedding. Maybe a year before, anyways the topic of your wedding ceremony came up. I remember that we were talking about the ceremony and then you turned to look at me and in a very dead pan manner said, "uh... you are not invited". And I remember that you kind of just left it at that. I did not have any response and probably sat there with my mouth open with a surprised look on my face. I remeber that Kristin started talking about something else in order to change the subject. I spoke to her about it on the ride home and she said she just tried to change the subject to make it all less awkward. My surprise came from origionally having been invited and then later the wedding was postponed and the later I was un invited in a very awkward way. I was never angry with you for not having me present at your ceremony. I would have understood and respected your wishes. What hurt was the manner in which you un invited me. You sort of just said it in a matter of fact tone and then moved on. I can't remember if we spoke after that meeting but I know we never talked about the "wedding creremony un invite" situation. I must stress that it was not the wedding ceremony un invite that hurt. It was the fact that you never clarified it for me. You never expressed that while I was not to attend your wedding ceremony, you did still want to continue the friendship. I interpreted your actions and the subsequent lack of contact from you to mean that you were no longer interested in a friendship with me. So I just let it go. I had considered you a good friend and a positive contact in my life and had always wanted to keep contact with you. That is how I felt about you and I just wanted to take this opportunity to express myself. I will welcome any response and if this is our last communication I wish you well in life. Thanks 28 Enero 2008 Lunes 27 Enero 2008 Domingo 26 Enero 2008 Sabado 24 Enero 2008 Jueves 20 Enero 2008 Domingo 18 Enero 2008 Viernes 17 Enero 2008 Jueves 12 Enero 2008 11 Enero 2008 Viernes My employer enacted a big lay off today. I was layed off. I can not say that I didn't see it comming. I did not suck up to my boss. If you work in Collections and you choose to keep an employee that collected 36% over someone who collected 117% that is the reason, has to be. Sucking up to your boss is important. Important in coporate america that is. Well maybe they let me go since I had the lowest seniority. But its collections, I thought it was about collecting money, hence the name of the industry COLLECTIONS. I am not mad about it. They can keep their 36%ers. It is probably why the company is annualy in the position where it has to lay off people. They act all like oh woo is us and blame it on the business that they are in. Newsflash: hey if you have to do this every year then maybe you should adjust for it in your business plan. When you become known as an unstable company to work for, then good quality applicants won't work for you. Only people without options will work for you. This may work in a one horse town but naptown ain't no one horse town. Anyway I was already on my way out. Did you notice me working on my resume this last week? Oh I forgot to mention the best part...I can receive one week of severence pay. All I have to do to receive it is sign some paper that states that I will never sue them ever ever. Ha ha ha. Sue them for what? For being stupid morans and not being able to run a business without laying off employees every 12-16 months. I mean is easy our profesional relationship is over, we shake hands and go our seperate ways. It is a standard expectation that an emplyee give their employer 2 weeks notice. This is of course in order to maintain a "good relationship" Thus an employer that needs to lay off people should let them go with 2 weeks pay. So I only got a week severence. Who cares. That is why I have my "oh shit fund". What really upsets me is that my health care plan ends today...on a can I possibly explore my options and then pick the best one? And over the weekend who will I be able to talk to and set up a plan with?? What if I get t-boned while driving this weekend?? Will I not be covered? Anyway I will miss some of the people I worked with. I will not miss the employeer nor their way of doing business. 10 Enero 2008 Jueves I also just started my trial version of .mac, so my until March 10,2008 I am trying out the email address of and I have a mac web site that should be at Suppossedly just sync it with iWeb and it is real easy to use. It will probably be too easy to use for me so much that I will over analyze it and be like "why isn't this working". I have had to learn how to use verious ftp clients, learn html, javascript and all the Adobe CS3. I will be doing it backward by learning the hard way first and then doing it the easy way. Oh well we will see... Some people operate on the idea that the less that you tell people the less that they have to discriminate against you with. Don't construct your own prison. You can not control the image other people have of you. The image other people have of you really has little to do with you and more to do with how they feel about themselves. 9 Enero 2008 Miércoles Enero 8 2008 Martes In my case I have always had the stuff that I enjoy to do very seperate and different from my work. I have always had rather boring jobs. I have enjoyed some aspects of them like people I have met or the environment. But I have never actually enjoyed the work part. I mean who really enjoys serving customers, unloading boxes in a trialor or working in collections and playing with Excel. Maybe if I ever had a job that I would actually do outside of work hours while I was not getting paid then I would have some way of answering the question. I think that when you first start out working you are just working to make money and you are either trying to climb the ladder of success to make more money or you are trying to get more seniority as to have a position you more enjoy. I hope that as you get older and wiser and push yourself through school and gain more skills you start to have more choices of what you can do as a job. With this plethura of choices you increase your odds of actually enjoying something you do for a living. Enero 7 2008 Lunes Enero 6 2008 Domingo I was feeling down about leaving the coast, la playa but I was excited to return to my apartment. Now it is sunday night and I am really feeling down about having to return to work, and not just any "work". I have to return to a negative and boring environment. But I really do not want to write about work and explain why I don't like it, it is a long story. I have noticed that I have too much stuff. I won't be giving away all of my earthly possesions like the origional buddah did years and years and years ago but I will be getting rid of those things not used everyday. I have started to feel bogged down by my belongings. I should own them not the other way around. I feel liberated just thinking about who I will give some of the things to and what I will donate. I found some interesting blogs today; Boing Boing and An entirely other day and Cultured Enero 4 2008 Viernes Enero 1 2008 Martes
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