29 Febrero 2008 Viernes
A lot happened this past week, a lot of great and wonderful happenings. But I did not write about them and I am not sure why. I think it was really because I was too busy and I really wanted to change the template before writing more. I feel like making a list of all the super things that happened.
- RFA's birthday
- a positive reorganization of the apartment (done by me)
- I was offered and I accepted a new job that means a little more $, is closer to my apartment, and I will be doing something new.
- My birthday
- I talked to my bro on the phone (it happens so rarely so it is exciting)
- Some friends took me to lunch (since it had been a week or longer since I had seen another human besides RFA, this was fun
- ASUS Eee PC 7" 8G runs Linux
- Live CDs for Linux that allow you to test drive distros like Ubuntu, Debian, Mandriva before having to install them on your computer
- Spring is comming and evenually bringing the HEAT
- Dreamweaver and all the other neat components of Adobe CS3
- My Websites
- Running (or just working out to feel the endorphines)
- and of course RFA
22 Febrero 2008 Sabado
a veces mis amigos me molestan tanto con su inconsciencia que los quiero dejar en el polvo de la vida que tenía yo cuando nos comunicaban. a mi me parece que en los estados unidos los amistades no tiene valor a menos que son amistades del carrera/ trabajo. he pasado mucho tiempo sola desde que hubo un ajuste de personal y me liquidaron asi es que paso mis dias buscando trabajo y haciendo entrevistas. claro que me queda mi compañero....cada vez que cambio trabajos, cambio amigos. intento mantener contacto con ellos pero todos estan bien preocupados con ganar dinero. viven para gastar y como si fueron ricos. la riqueza financial no viene rapido, viene con el gran paso de tiempo si ahorras un poco no no gastas mas que ganas. poco a poco.
21 Febrero 2008 Jueves
As I am always looking for good ways to find other good blogs with real content I have been recommended to check out rss hugger. I think it is a good place to start. I still miss the internet of 1998 or so. Everything was so easy to find. Hopefully this rss hugger will help.
18 Febrero 2008 Lunes
I sold one of my motorcycles yesterday. Now I only have one left. I never intended to have two, but I found a great deal. Then for a while I had two. I realized that you can only ride one at a time so it is probably best to only have one at a time. It was a little sad to see it go, but the woman who bought it was really excited and she will love it. Besides we need to really start to get rid of our stuff so we can move to Puerto Rico. I know we have about a year and a half until we move, but I don't want to be trying to get rid of stuff and sell stuff up until the last minute before we move.
On another note, I am getting a little discouraged with my job search. There is not much in my geographical location that my skills are suited for. We need to be here for mi compañero. He is finishing his degree.
16 Febrero 2008 Sabado
I have had a migrane all day. It feels like it just won't let go of me.
15 Febrero 2008 Viernes
Today is the day that mi Compañeroo and I celebrated the ole día de San Valentin. We caught the 11:30 am showing of Untraceable. I love the 5$ 11:30 am shows. I don't want to share too much about the movie so I will just say that I really liked it and I would recomend it to anyone.
Back in 1994 I heard about a female solo artist and for the years following I followed her music and also followed country music. Before I got interested in country music my options as far as choosing what the kids at school listened to where 1. alternative (Nirvana, Pearl Jam etc etc) or 2. rap (this was when west coast vs. east coast was just beginning but long after the fun of L.L. Cool J. or the meaningness of Public Enemy). Since I had no personal agnst in my life to make me able to immerse myself in the alternative music crowd (I had cloths, food and shelter) nor was I interested in pretending to be a gangsta wannabe, I was releived to find country music. Luckily, there were a few other kids that liked country also. Anyway needless to say I was introduced to Shania Twain at just the right moment in my life to have fun with it. Later when I lived in Austria, then Cuba, then Peru and then Germany I was more interested in listening to the local music then hiding away and listening to Shania Twain cds by myself. Thus we lost touch.
YouTube has made it possible to catch up on old t.v. shows from all over the world that people have posted about her. I found some fun footage shot during the promotional tour for UP!.
13 Febrero 2008 Miercoles
I feel a lot less depressed since mi Compañero and I have been back to training. I have self diagnosed that I have SAD or winter depression. Apparently 1 in 5 irish people suffer from SAD. In case you didn't already know I am of strong Irish descent (Galway) with a dash of Spanish descent (Sevilla). Anyway excersize is the best remedy. Most of the literature suggests exposure to sunlight or artificial light lamps. I have not yet tried this. I find excersize with all of its endorphins reallly give me a boost. I can't wait to see the sun again.
I am also feeling down due to my lack of results from my job search. I don't mean to write that I have not had anyone contact me. I have had a lot staffing/ temp agencies call me. The pattern is that I apply to a position posted on Careerbuilder, Monster, Hotjobs or LatPro. It is sometimes hard to determine whether I am posting to a job posted by an employer or an agency. Postings to an employer seem to take a long time before they contact you about a position. Postings to an agency get a return call where they set up an "interview". During this invterview you meet with a representative of the agency and you discuss what you have done in your previous work experiences and then you move on to what you are looking for in your new position. Then they usually have you take some tests on their computer system. The most frequent skill they test you in is Excel. Then they say they will call you with positions they find for you. I currently have my resume posted all over the place, a headhunter, and I in 2 agencies. Tomorrow I will probably get into even more agencies and put my resume in more company datatbases. This is usually done on the company's website, usually under a tab called "careers". It seems to be a long process of rejection over and over until finally you find a place that likes you and you in turn also like them.
I am setting up a schedule so that all of my 26 web sites are updated frequently. 26 / 7 = 3.71428...So that means a lot of web work. :)
11 Febrero 2008 Lunes
Tiffany told me about a new job opportunity. I find myself rather excited about it. It is really really close to my apartment. On another note, have I written how much I love Niecy Nash (wikipedia) from Clean House and Reno 911? Compañero and I started working out again after months of winter hibernation. We should have started this a while ago. Tomorrow I will be so sore I will wish that we had never stopped. I just typed that last word three times. Does stop in the past tense have one p or 2 p's? Anyway so I am stoked about training again. Winter hits me like a ton of bricks and makes me feel all depressed and as if I don't want to do anything but hibernate. I have this constant feeling of wanting to wait it out. If you figure that it is definately cold by November and it dosen't warm up until at least the end of March, that is 5 months. 5 months of me sitting in a parking lot not wanting to get out of the car and buy grocieries until it is warmer. How do I make myself do these things. I know this probably makes me a wus but I am moving to warmer climates in about a year and a half and I am looking forward to it. On a side note I have no idea how to spell the word wus. I just guessed. I had to do this becuase looking in the dictionary didn't work because I could not find the word because I don't know how to spell it. It is a vicous cycle. I also think that I left the house with out brushing my teeth or putting on deodorant.
10 Febrero 2008 Domingo
It is really cold today.
7 Febrero 2008 Jueves
I had another interview today. It was with a staffing/temp agency/head hunter place. She did tell me that by not putting the dates for my empolyment history it made it appear that I have something to hide, like I am a job hopper. I told her I just graduated in 2006. How could I hop that much. All the jobs I had was where I worked to get through school. Anyway so I added dates.
I got to talk to an old friend online. That was great. He was always into neat stuff and still is.
Here are some things I love lately. (inspired by the opposite seen here)
Oh yea regarding my linux project. I am loading or building my system on the desktop from the kernel up using Debian. Needless to say it will take a long time as I do this and learn all the CLI etc etc. What I would like to do is using my Dell laptop that currently runs Windows XP I want to set up a dual boot linux and windows environment. I want to keep the windows XP and add Linux. I found a site here that talks about how to do it. Don't worry I am not touching my PowerBook G4. I love it, just like this guy here does. We will see if I have the time and guts to do this project this weekend.
6 Febrero 2008 Miercoles
I was in Fry's Electronics one day and saw this laptop that was really small. I like the really small compact ones. I currently use my PowerBook G4 12inch as my main computer. I stumbled on a new class of computers Ultra Mini PC. I really like the Fujitsu but it is 1,000 $$$$. I also like a version of the UMPC by AUSU eee PC. It runs Linux as its operating system at costs about 350 USD $$.
I attended the local Linux Users Group in my area this evening. 16 people attended. I was the only female there and I think I was the youngest person there. Some of what they spoke of was a little above my head as I am only starting to use Linux but I think it will be fun to keep attending. Besides they only meet once a month.
"part of me thinks i should just stop opening myself up to other people. because maybe my candor is brave, and maybe it's admirable, and maybe it makes me human and connects me to the world in a way that nothing else ever could. but it almost always hurts. and it doesn't make me any less lonely." A blogger friend of mine posted this a long time ago and I have always felt like I knew exactly what she was wrtting about. It's like she stole the words from my mouth.
4 Febrero 2008 Montag Lunes Lundi
Iwent on 3 interviews today. I had forgoten what a power struggle some of them can be. The interviewers seem to always want to give off the impression that they are doing you a huge favor by interviewing you. I don't get it. I mean they posted an opening. I sent my resume. They called me to set up an interview. The whole process would appear to be consentual on both sides. They have an opening and I am looking for a new job. Yet they always want to be in charge. I am then always shocked when they call me back for a second interview. I mean really is all this faking and puffing out of the chest really necessary? I can only guess that they do it so they can really low ball an offer in the end.
2 Febrero 2008
It was nice to receive the email reply from my old friend. It felt to communicate and clear things up. It is also nice to hear some one notice when they have hurt your feelings. So, I sent her an email reply explaining that it was all water under the bridge yada yada yada and I sent some of what I have been upto and inquired about what she was up to lately. It would be nice to keep in contact with her as we go through life. Sometimes your friends don't hold on to you as tight or at all to you. Again, it is best to let these things go. There is a lot of fun to be had once you let go and focus on the fun. :)
1 Febrero 2008
So I did get a reply from that friend. This was really much to my surprise. I did not expect to hear from her. Below is the nice little reply she sent me. It just leads me to wonder why can't we ever just communicate openly and honestly with people, especially those we consider to be our friends. Life is too short to wonder these things. All you can do is express yourself as openly and honestly as possible. If someone else dosen't, all you can do is let go and move on. Letting go..it is so freeing.
I am so sorry about this. I handled the situation badly, and I'm very sorry that I hurt your feelings. Thanks for being straightforward with me about it. Although it's way too late, I hope you don't mind if I say now what I should have said then: I felt really bad that I wasn't inviting you, and I didn't want your feelings to be hurt. Obviously, I did a horrible job of expressing that, thereby causing exactly what I feared. It was entirely a matter of having the smallest wedding we could manage, rather than purposely excluding people, but I realize now that you would have fully understood that. I'm also sorry to have given you the impression that I was uninterested in continuing our friendship -- that was completely unintentional. Perhaps I was embarrassed for having been such an ass. You're one of the most interesting people I know, and I would love to stay in touch. I hope you'll forgive me for hurting you. Take care,